Image Jacqueline Cioffa © Chris Fanning Photography
This Face
If I only show you the photoshopped, concealed, makeup pretty me
You’d never understand the underbelly
The crunchy grit, rawness hidden beneath
The really good stuff, the honest kind that matters
This face is not the who, how, or where
This face is not the who, how, where, or when
This face is not the who, how, where, when or why parts of me
It’s cellular skin alive, hazel eyes, pointy nose, scarred forehead, potty mouth lips and cheeky cheekbones
This face cannot carry the weight of a life nor mask the beauty
It’s just a face like all others
It’s mine though
This face
Authentic, snotty nose
From the off-key tears I have cried
This face is at the highway, halfway mark
Raw and unfiltered
Scribbling notes between the lines
It gives a fuck less about herself
And more about the Bluegrass roots beauty
The lyrical tones
Of other faces poetically similar and ugly foreign at times
–Jacqueline Cioffa