Precious heart you don’t fool me
Not everyone is good, not everyone is kind
Precious heart do not worry your sad little boombox beats
Or tragic flatlines
It’s a half hearted day like all others
For better or worse
I’m tired and my head hurts
I’m not a good person some of the time
I’m blood sour and thick
Precious heart, you’re just a pump
You feel me
The most perfect machine ever built with your valves bivalves arteries veins and groovy bloodlines
My heart is clogged by the grease and black tar pettiness of mankind
Fucking humans can be so selfish
Selfish as fuckity all fuck
Busy bees leave stingers under the skin
Drawing red welts and bumps
There was a time my precious heart beat smooth and melodic
Is there a rewind?
If and when my heart quits
Please do not revive me
No heroic measures
Let the music of my time die
Ever so smoothly and serene
Ba boom ba boom ba da boom
Ba boom ba da boom
Ba da boom and goodbye
I am not a good person but less of a swine
I’ve said it two times
I am not always kind
I can be quite selfish
Ya dig it
The precious heart holds grudges
forgets and forgives
We are all just listening to the crickets waiting for the dark
And the church bells gong
Gone in an instant
No, I do want an ugly cry pomp and circumstance
Unless it’s a sexy good olé
Louisiana Bayou second line
Go fuck yourself Father Time
Hearts beat the countdown same as mine
We’re pedestrian peasants
Dressed in fine lady and gent linens
Hanes tank tops and ripped jeans
Dirty ashes consumed with so much stuff and greasy money
Why can’t we be happy with this fifteen seconds
In sunny sequence
Drum drum drummer
I don’t know maybe I need an oil change
Unclog the lines
Oh precious heart
You don’t fool me
The soul is ethereal and the eternal optimist
Limitless in its devotion
Funny still how much it can hurt
This precious heart
Working hard pulsating overtime
Without segregating or wanting
Asking any old thing
Mankind can be be so silly, stupid, eager, greedy, hateful or adoring with their foibles and folly
And yet
The precious heart asks nothing in return
Not one single solitary demand
It just beats
It just beats
It just beats
Life until it sighs gently goodbye
And a newborn somewhere in a parallel world’s heartbeat cries joyful
As if for the very first time
Heartbeat Sweet