The Vast Landscape hangs… Published August 28, 2014 by jackiecioffa …in heaven. #’With the Father.’ Moshino modeling ’95choffy & meFirst test shoot NYC 18 years old‘With The Father’Whether in Paris, Milan, London, Madrid, etc. I always bought 2 copies of magazines with new modeling pictures. One for my parents. (more my dad) I wanted to share them with him, partly because I KNEW how proud he was no matter what I did. He laminated the pictures, and ran around town in his Ford Festiva showing EVERYONE and anyone. #TheVastLandscape #JamesFrankCioffa #MYBIGGESTFAN Published in BLOG Tagged inMy Biggest FanReaderPicsTHE VAST LANDSCAPE Previous Post Comings and Goings Next Post The Greens I Have Seen