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Tag: 5-Star Review

5-Stars The Vast Landscape is both beautifully written, and deeply meaningful."#Amazon Review

THE VAST LANDSCAPE 5-Stars and I loved every single moment of it “Jacqueline Cioffa writes with such a soul stirring intensity that it can’t help…


#THEVASTLANDSCAPE‬ is a must read! If you're a kindler I strongly recommend downloading it. You will not be disappointed." FREE on Kindle today!

‎#THEVASTLANDSCAPE‬ #‎KindleFreeReads‬ today! ‪#‎readers‬ ‪#‎amazon‬ ‪#‎FreeBookPromo‬ ‪#‎FreeKindleBooks‬ ‪ #‎Thevastlandscape‬ is a must read! If you’re a kindler I strongly recommend downloading it. You will not…

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“For one brief moment, I am free to dance upon the page…" Jacqueline Cioffa The Vast Landscape #Amazon Best Sellers (FREE)

“For one brief moment, I am free to dance upon the page. These are precious days, my sweet girl. I type fast, trying to get…

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“I have loved, laughed, cried, hurt, chose the empty life, until love finally found me a home.” – Jacqueline Cioffa #THEVASTLANDSCAPE

“I have loved, laughed, cried, hurt, chose the empty life, until love finally found me a home.” – Jacqueline Cioffa THE VAST LANDSCAPE current Amazon Best…

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