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Tag: Kindle

"This story was quite the ride it was raw and full of emotions, doubts, mistrusts, fame, love and it was like following a train wreck as it goes down the track." Reader Review

what a ride…. 4 stars Amazon “This story was quite the ride it was raw and full of emotions, doubts, mistrusts, fame, love and it…

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"The potential for great stories is happening all around you." Jacqueline Cioffa – Author Interview

Author Interview with Jacqueline Cioffa, author of “The Vast Landscape” and “Georgia Pine” PRETTY-HOT.COM excerpt “Do you have any unusual writing habits?I ‘write’ best when I’m…

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“For one brief moment, I am free to dance upon the page…" Jacqueline Cioffa The Vast Landscape #Amazon Best Sellers (FREE)

“For one brief moment, I am free to dance upon the page. These are precious days, my sweet girl. I type fast, trying to get…

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“I have loved, laughed, cried, hurt, chose the empty life, until love finally found me a home.” – Jacqueline Cioffa #THEVASTLANDSCAPE

“I have loved, laughed, cried, hurt, chose the empty life, until love finally found me a home.” – Jacqueline Cioffa THE VAST LANDSCAPE current Amazon Best…

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