When you’re young and in love with the world
Everything feels better than this
This moment, this season, this pain
When you’re young with the sun warming your face, and your feet covered in sand
You couldn’t know all your big, bold dreams
Would evaporate out to sea into the mist
Leaving you stranded
Wrinkled, disappointed, and bitter
Alone with self-hatred, sorrow, and dark thoughts
I was happy once
I was pretty or so it seemed
Everybody told me
I never cared much about how I looked
Maybe I should have appreciated my beauty and my feminine side
Stopped apologizing for the way I looked
Didn’t matter
I’d pay for it down the road
Bad choices became a whole lot of regret, worry lines, and age spots
I never stopped moving long enough to fall in or out of love
I was wild and impatient and itching to go whenever things got uncomfortable
A duffle bag packed by the door
Ready to hightail it to the next adventure
To start again
To forget
I forgot
Until now
When it has become impossible to outrun life
When there is no escaping yourself, your circumstances, no matter how hard you wish it
To make peace with the past and sit with the rage takes courage and stamina and strength
Loving yourself
Or hating yourself
Takes up the same amount of energy
And I’m just plum worn out
So celebrate the small, still moments
The quiet victories
They’re all you get
Cuz’ your pretty only shines when you accept all of the ugly inside
All the mess, all the tears,
and all the regret
Truth is
There’s no right way to live
And there’s no easy way around it
Everybody dies
Ironically, ridiculously, and fortuitously
At the exact moment, they’ve figured out precisely how much they want to live
Everybody dies
That girl in the picture is already long gone
Dead and buried in a memory
As it should be
That’s life in black and white