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Drowning in Sadness

If I could be you for a day

Would it show me a thousand ways you love

Or the many ways you hate

If I could be you for a day

Would it make me more compassionate

Have a deeper insight

If I could be you for a day

Would it help drown all your sorrows away

If I could be you for a day

Would I stop judging your face, your status, your weight, your skin tone

If I could be you for a day

Would it stop me from seeing gender, the color of your skin first, or sizing you up?

Fuck me, that is the worst

I’m a lowdown, dirty sinner, what can I say

If I could be you for a day

I would ya know…if I could

But then, would you be me for just one day?

Could you carry my sorrow, my joy, my complicated, hard, heavy ways

I wouldn’t want to burden you with all the weight

If I could feel you for a day

I would do my very best to drown your black and blues away

Bury them deep on the ocean’s floor leaving room for a new and different way

That sounds so much better than H.A.T.E.

If I could I would surrender all your worries and pain away

I would

For just one day

A choice, to begin again

With only love, gushing from the bottom of your rejuvenated, free and flowing open-minded heart



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