What matters in these troubled times is that you look up and out and around and make something beautiful.
Spill your guts, break your heart and then dig a little deeper.
Jump into love.
Inside the blues, inside the scary, safe nurturing walls of purple rain, you’ll find a Prince’s truth.
It ain’t always pretty, but it’s always relatable.
We are all tragic, wonderfully broken pieces, with smashed hearts and hopes.
Humans can be so blind, so stupid, so unkind.
There is too much hate going around.
Find the sparkly side of life and spread that shit everywhere.
Send loving kindness and integrity into the ugliest hearts you can find.
And then watch the Blue Wave of Humanity come together.
Search out the good humans and give away 67 Minutes of Kindness, on Mandela time.
Lean in heart first, open wide, squashing out the scariest, loudest, ugliest voices. Trumpeteers die alone burned by the flames of their personal failings.
Heaven knows the good have nothing to hide.

Oceans Of Emotion